Beyond Certification

Our Case Studies

More than 13 detailed case studies of transnational market-based sustainability governance initiatives are being conducted: four in Peru, four in Ecuador and at least five in Indonesia—all countries in which sustainability governance initiatives have proliferated in recent years in response to the critical role of these countries and sectors in global efforts to counter commodity-linked deforestation. In each country, we examine cases in a mix of commodity sectors, encompassing coffee, cocoa, palm oil and small-scale/artisanal gold mining.

Coalition for Sustainable Production: San Martin jurisdictional pilot 

Planet Gold

Sustainable Cocoa Landscapes for San Martin – Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa

Cross-sectoral case study

RSPO Jurisdictional certification

Planet Gold

Interactions between international and national certifications (Rainforest Alliance, Global GAP, SPP, BPA)

Interactions between international certifications and national sustainable agriculture programs (Fairtrade, national organic certification, ProAmazonia) 

RSPO Jurisdictional certification 

Planet Gold

IDH Verified Source Areas

Coalition for Sustainable Livelihoods

Case Study on cocoa and coffee sectors

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